Dyslexia Assisted is developed by Chisel Research Lab, situated at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). We are dedicated to bridging the gap between reliable information and the individuals affected with dyslexia. We envision Dyslexia Assisted as;
A trusted source of Accessible and Accurate Information
Our mission is to break down the barriers surrounding dyslexia, a common learning difference often misunderstood and neglected. We believe that knowledge is power, and by providing accessible, accurate information about dyslexia, we can create a more supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.
A Catalyst to Break the Barriers and Build the Hope
In Pakistan, dyslexia awareness remains low, leaving many individuals struggling in silence. Children with dyslexia may face difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling, leading to frustration, self-doubt, and even isolation. Adults with dyslexia may encounter similar challenges in the workplace and daily life. We provide practical resources and guidance to help families understand and support their loved ones with dyslexia. Along with, sharing success stories of individuals thriving with dyslexia, showcasing their potential and resilience.
A Foundation for a More Inclusive Future
Dyslexia Assisted is a dynamic platform that constantly evolves. We aim to actively add new resources, information, and functionalities to serve our community better. We envision a world where dyslexia is understood, accepted, and celebrated. We strive to create a supportive network where individuals with dyslexia can reach their full potential. It is designed to be a platform empowering individuals with dyslexia for years to come.