If you are concerned that you might have symptoms of dyslexia, you must reach out to a psychologist who has training and expertise in specific learning disabilities. A Specific Learning Disability or SLD is a condition which may cause an individual to experience problems in a traditional classroom setting). A diagnosis for Dyslexia is given in two stages. The first is a screening test which is conducted to check if a formal assessment is required.


A screening test may comprise online checklists to measure the number of signs and symptoms of dyslexia one may have. This measure can further be corroborated by the formal assessment conducted by a practitioner. Please note that online screening tests are NOT a diagnosis. They are ONLY tools to indicate possible tendencies for the presence of dyslexia.

To perform a screening test, you may check out the checklists provided in the Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia in Children and Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia in Adults articles.


If the screening results show you have a high likelihood of a presentation with dyslexia, the next step is to rule out any other possible conditions that may be causing these difficulties. Before you seek out a psychological/psychiatric assessment, you must ensure that you:

  • Are in good health and have ruled out any other possible medical concerns/conditions?
  • Have you had visual and hearing assessments done? If these come clear, you will be asked to proceed with testing.

Dyslexia assessments take place in a quiet room and can last 3-4 hours. During the assessment, the psychologist will carry out a series of tests that should provide an overview of your:

  • Reading, writing, and spelling abilities.
  • Psychological wellbeing which may entail a series of psychological tests for any social problems, anxiety, depression etc.

The psychologist may also test for other comorbid specific learning condition(s) like dyscalculia or dysgraphia.

After the assessment, you should receive a report that details your strengths and weaknesses with recommendations on how to improve any areas that require additional support.

Key Takeaways

  • Screening is a preliminary informal process while assessments are a formal medical procedure that can lead to a diagnosis.
  • Dyslexia assessment tests for reading, writing, and spelling difficulties. They also test for mental health problems or other specific learning conditions.
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