Signs of dyslexia may vary based on the individual and their age. It is significantly important to look out for these signs because appropriate resources and support may help improve the quality of lives of individuals with dyslexia.

Individuals may exhibit a variety of symptoms across the age span. These include

  • Mispronunciation or confusion for similar sounding or rhyming words
  • Reading speed may be slower than typically developing individuals.
  • Poor handwriting and frequent spelling mistakes
  • Difficulty writing quizzes or exams.
  • Difficulty carrying out sequenced tasks or remembering the orders of things like the alphabet
  • Might speak with difficulty, pause frequently, or repeat the same thing several times
  • Poor organization and time management
  • Exhausted by reading and frequently tries to avoid reading altogether
  • Low self-esteem (a person’s value of their worth as a person)
  • Easily gets stressed, annoyed or overwhelmed.

Parents must observe their children. Should they suspect anything, consult the relevant doctor or specialist who can conduct a thorough assessment. 

Signs of dyslexia have different levels of severity at different ages, and these are outlined in more detail in the “Guidance for Parents” and “Guidance for Adults” sections.

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