Dyslexia is a life long condition that can be managed but not be completely cured. This does not mean that there are no solutions or supportive systems available for individuals with dyslexia. Their quality of life and engagement in important domains of functions can be thoroughly improved through intervention. Although the symptoms of dyslexia never truly disappear, the point of treatment is to learn how to manage despite the challenges posed by dyslexia. The symptoms of dyslexia vary greatly from individual to individual, so there is no one size fits all solution.

To effectively treat dyslexia, early intervention is ideal and necessary.

The term “early intervention” refers to getting professional support for dyslexia from a young age. Professional support will teach your child how to:

  • Decode (sound out) words
  • Improve phonics (relate sounds to their letters)
  • Improve reading and spelling
  • Improve comprehension

Most professionals will encourage a multisensory (using all 5 senses) approach to reading therapies (treatment) to improve individual’s reading and writing ability. Multisensory approaches have been scientifically proven to deepen learning and understanding.

Dyslexia Treatment in Adults

For adults who have lived most of their lives with undiagnosed dyslexia, it might seem pointless to seek treatment for dyslexia now. This is not true. Although they may have missed their early intervention window, seeking out a dyslexia diagnosis can still be very useful for many adults. There is great security and comfort in finally being able to name the condition that has been causing you difficulties for most of your life. By finally knowing what condition you have, you can actively seek therapy and support to improve symptoms in these areas. This could also provide opportunities for individuals to explore their strengths and focus more on them with reference to further future planning.

To learn more about treatment, visit 'Guidance' section.

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