Many people with dyslexia may feel embarrassed or ashamed of their condition. They may also have low self-esteem or confidence. Below, you will find pointers on how to take care of the mental health of your employees with specific learning difficulties (SLD) like dyslexia:

  • Create a safe, inclusive space:
    Many people with dyslexia may have difficulty expressing themselves. Often, they may have low self-esteem due to a lifetime of being told they were not good enough. Assure them that they are valuable assets to your company and create an open space where they feel comfortable coming forth with any concerns.
  • Boost employees’ self-esteem:
    Consider putting in place a reward and recognition system for employees who go above and beyond or who fight exceptional circumstances to be excellent employees.

Recognizing your employees’ efforts does wonders for everyone’s morale and job satisfaction.

  • Consider offering counselling services:
    Inevitably, all employees will have to deal with stressful and overwhelming times. Being proactive about coming up with strategies to tackle difficult times can really improve your team’s resilience and give them the strength to reach their maximum potential. This can be achieved through offering counseling services or at the very least, by running a few mental health workshops.
  • Assertiveness training for employees with learning difficulties:
    Help employees with dyslexia find the confidence to advocate for themselves via assertiveness workshops. Support should focus on developing self-esteem and confidence in the workplace.
  • Make active listening a part of company culture:
    Active listening refers to the act of listening attentively and without judgement. It includes reflecting on what was said and repeating it back to clarify any misconceptions before passing it on and sharing it with the rest of the team. Active listening is an essential skill for all employees because it vastly improves communication and understanding.

It is much easier to understand what issues your employees face if you truly take the time to listen.

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